I am a wife and a mom to 2 and waiting for our 3rd. I have been capturing love stories of all kinds since 2010 but started full time in 2016 when I moved to Halifax. I love the outdoors- adventuring, camping, going for walks. I love to cook and try new recipes. I am an active person with my kids, working out, playing basketball and hiking (when I can).   
I grew up listening to my grandparents tell endless stories about photos we found in their albums. My love for photos grew from there and it is always a goal in my business not just to capture a beautiful photo but a memory that is attached to it. A remember when.

I started my business as a side gig when I was a newly graduated teacher back in 2010. I
loved capturing maternity, newborns and families. As my business grew my dreams
started to change. When I moved to Halifax 6 1/2 years ago I started booking weddings
and branding as well as maternity, newborns and families. I really believe that every stage of life has a love story to be captured. The beautiful, the chaos, the smiles, the in-between...all of the real life.

My name is Shaeline Stromberg. I am the owner and photographer behind Shaeline Faith Photography.

Interview with Shaeline

What fellow creatives do you admire and who inspires you?

Jeremy Chou Photography- I went to a workshop once where he taught and I took so much from his unending knowledge but what I admired about him the most was that even though he is world renowned he was so down to earth. So real. His work is breathtaking and I love seeing how he uses light in his photos. Alyssa Joy Photography- Alyssa is just a sweet person. She is kind, caring and so talented. I love how she captures real emotions in her photos. It’s truly perfection. Average Jane Photography- Lina is such a cheerleader. Her heart for helping others I admire so much. She is so talented and creates beauty every time she captures something.

Located in Halifax, Nova SCotia
EMAIL: shaelinefaithphotography@gmail.com

Find Shaeline here

How do you deal with burnout and creative blocks?

This one is hard for me. My first reaction is to either keep going and continue burning out. But obviously that isn’t helpful. What I have learned over the years is to take a step back and know that it’s ok. Don’t feel guilty for taking a couple of days/weeks/months for yourself. The world will not fall apart without you. Do something for you. Whether it’s take some days at the beach, do a fun creative project, go for a hike, purge and organize your house or take a couple nights away. Whatever it may be just remember to do it for you. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

What is the one thing you would change about the industry?

Being a creative is tough yet so rewarding. The industry is so vast and ever changing. I would love to see it somehow become less about competition and more about community. Sharing tidbits with one another to purely encourage and cheer others on.

"You do you and create what you want to create. The realness will attract those who want YOU." -Shaeline

If you could tell your younger self anything at the point when you were starting out yourself, what would it be?

Try and ignore the noise. The noise may be very attractive but do what works for you. Pushing the noise aside, staying true to yourself will get your further than anything else. You do you and create what you want to create. The realness will attract those who want YOU. (Still learning this one)

If you could share one bit of wisdom to anyone starting out in this business, what would you tell them?

Do the math to make sure that what you are charging makes sense. Many times we see a number and think that’s too much. Start breaking it down because so many times photographers make so little when they realize all that they put into their business and overhead costs. Take the time to sit down and do the math. Then own it and be confident in it.

What Place inspires you the most?

A few places that always have my heart and really bring a sense of calm which allows inspiration to take hold. The ocean- every time I find open ocean I instantly can breathe. I see the beauty, the vastness, the strength. It reminds me that beauty comes in all different forms. The mountains- I used to live closer to them and every summer we would go camping. The moment we got close I would roll down my windows and breathe the most pure mountain air. Mountains are majestic and bold and it always inspires me to strive for more. And to be me. Maui- The people and how they live life. They do what is necessary but with a relaxed approach. This reminds me to slow down, relax, do what is necessary and balance it with strive for more. But pressure and frustration gets you nowhere.

This shoot was inspired by French Gardens with a mix of bold colours. I wanted to elevate colour so that it could be seen as elegant and beautiful. Pops of bold colours softened with the elegance of the tulle, earthy textures and natural.

(Bigger gallery and write up of this styled shoot will be featured in the 2024 Print Edition of the East Coast Creatives Journal)

Motherhood. Such a beautiful yet hard thing. These two little girls were full of energy and I really wanted to encapsulate how the mom and daughters interacted. The light and the smiles remind me that even though there are many hard moments as a mom there is always light and smiles at the end of the hard.

Not only did I want to create a beautiful piece of art but I also feel that the slight blur represents life. Life goes by so fast and it can become a blur. For me it’s a reminder to be intentional, be relational and be real. Capturing love in this blurry way while making it a still images reminds us that relationships and love are an important part of this blurry life.

Instagram: @shaelinefaithphotography

Website: www.shaelinefaithphotography.com

Top Three favourite captures

June 30, 2023

Where do you create majority of your work?

I am based in Halifax, Nova Scotia but love to travel to different parts of the province and also look forward to travelling to other provinces in Canada! I love finding hidden gems and always take the time to do some exploring even in well known locations to find something that is new! I love nature- beach, rocky coast, fields and so much more but I also adore capturing modern urban vibes!

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